BroadBand Light (BBL)
Light (BBL)
What is BBL?
BBL (BroadBand Light) devices use various wavelengths of light to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots, and broken blood vessels. This technology is also known as Intense Pulsed Light or photo rejuvenation. BBL uses low-frequency photothermal energy to safely and gently heat deep layers of the skin. Damaged cells absorb this energy and are stimulated to generate new collagen, an important building block of healthy, youthful looking skin.
Who benefits from BBL treatments?
BBL treatment may be an appropriate solution for the following:
- Age spots
- Uneven skin pigmentation
- Broken capillaries or redness
- Rosacea
- Collagen build-up or skin rejuvenation
BBL For Brown Spots
Hyperpigmentation, better known as brown spots, age spots, liver spots and freckles found on your face, chest, and hands, are all caused by overproduction of melanocytes. Melanocytes are the cells that cause the dark pigment in your skin which is the body’s natural sunscreen.
Without question, the number one cause of brown spots is overexposure to the sun. Other factors such as hormonal changes, certain illnesses and medications can also cause this condition.
The light beam is absorbed by melanin (pigment) causing the destruction of unwanted cells. In the next few days, the brown spots will continue to darken and eventually flake off your skin.
Pain is minimal. There is a slight sting or a “snap of a hot rubber band” sensation over the area being treated.
- Avoid UV exposure 7 days prior to your treatment.
- Avoid any sun exposure 2 weeks prior to your treatment.
- Avoid sunless tanning products 7 days prior to your treatment.
- STOP all Retin A/Retinol products, alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone, Tazorac, and Differin for 72 hours before treatment.
- STOP fish oil 72 hours before treatment.
- Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. If started on an antibiotic, please call your pharmacist to check if it is photosensitive to the sun. You will need to be off the medication for 7 days before laser treatment.
- If you are prone to cold sores, it is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication (such as Valtrex) prior to your treatment. Please call our office for a prescription.
- Abstain from the use of Accutane or similar products for 6 months. Patients using these products CANNOT receive BBL treatments.
An average of 3 treatments are needed. However, most clients see a dramatic difference after just one treatment.
Initially following the treatment your brown spots will appear noticeably darker, they will flake off in approximately one week. You may have some redness immediately after the procedure which will resolve quickly.
Yes, the pigmented cells are destroyed by the laser on contact. However, if the treated area is exposed to the sun, you are at risk of developing more brown spots. Sun-avoidance and sunblock are key in preventing new spots from developing. Daily use of sunblock containing high levels of Zinc Oxide (7% or higher) is recommended. Zinc Oxide is a physical block, much different from a sunscreen. These higher levels of Zinc Oxide can be purchased in a medispa or dermatologist’s office.
Before & After

BBL for Redness
Facial veins, better known as telangiectasia, are unsightly dilated blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin. They usually are found on the nose and chin and can spread to the cheeks. Facial veins can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common being prolonged exposure to UVA sunlight and rosacea. Heredity, hormone therapy and normal aging process also play a role in the development of these veins.
- Avoid UV exposure 7 days prior to your treatment.
- Avoid any sun exposure 2 weeks prior to your treatment.
- Avoid sunless tanning products 7 days prior to your treatment.
- STOP all Retin A/Retinol products, alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone, Tazorac, and Differin for 72 hours before treatment.
- STOP fish oil 72 hours before treatment.
- Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. If started on an antibiotic, please call your pharmacist to check if it is photosensitive to the sun. You will need to be off the medication for 7 days before laser treatment.
- If you are prone to cold sores, it is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication (such as Valtrex) prior to your treatment. Please call our office for a prescription.
- Abstain from the use of Accutane or similar products for 6 months. Patients using these products CANNOT receive BBL treatments.
You will experience minimal discomfort, a brief sting that only lasts a few seconds as the pulse light passes over the treated area.
The number of treatments varies on the disease process, the condition of the skin and the severity of the facial veins. On average, about three to five treatments are required.
The use of laser on telangiectasia causes minimal downtime. Redness and swelling in the treated area is normal. The swelling usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours.
The veins that are destroyed by laser will not return. Depending on your lifestyle habits and the disease process new vessels can surface. We recommend daily use of sunblock, with high levels of zinc oxide, to help prevent future damage.
Before & After

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