Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency technology is a minimally-invasive technique used to remove skin imperfections such as skin tags, cherry angiomas, milia, cholesterol deposits, and small spider veins.
With the use of a tiny probe, we are able to ensure that this procedure is extremely precise and results are instantaneous. This probe also enables the therapist to treat the targeted area while keeping the rest of the surrounding skin intact.
Radio Frequency Treatment
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Asked Questions
Several skin imperfections can be treated and resolved with this procedure:
Telangiectasia/ Dilated Capillaries
These are tiny veins that appear as red or bluish tangles, just beneath the skin, usually seen on the cheeks and around the nose.
Tiny hard white bumps beneath the skin, usually under the eye, that cannot be extracted manually.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are growths on the skin attached to tiny stalks. They usually develop in areas that are irritated by rubbing including neck, armpits and groin.
Cholesterol Deposits
Yellowish-white soft lumps of fatty material accumulated under the skin on the inner parts of your upper and lower eyelids usually appear symmetrically between your eyes and nose.
Cherry Angioma
A common, benign vascular growth that is red, raised and looks like a mole located on any part of the body.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Lesions can be single or multiple and manifest as yellowish, small bumps on the face (particularly nose, cheeks, and forehead).
STOP all exfoliating products and fish oil 72 hours prior to treatment. Exfoliating products include glycolics, retinols and salicylic acids.
Before & After

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